Prominently, Ashish Dhawan is known for being a successful Indian private equity investor who is a founder and head of a firm called Chrysalis Capital which is India’s top private equity fund. In addition to that, Ashish Dhawan is also a recognized philanthropist because of his efforts on bettering the quality of education in India through his foundation, Central Square Foundation(CSF). He founded CSF after quitting his position as a board member at ChrysCapital. Due to which he was awarded the title of the Next Gen Leader in Philanthropy by Forbes India.
Portfolio Period: Q3 – 13F FIling of 2023
Ashish Dhawan Portfolio Value: Rs. 2,738.4 Cr.
Ashish Dhawan Stock Holdings Portfolio
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Ashish Dhawan 13F filing
According to Ashish Dhawan’s holdings, he publicly owns only 16 stocks in various companies.
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As per the reports of quarter 3, Ashish Dhawan’s biggest share of 7% goes to Palred Technologies Ltd., 6.1% goes to Max India Ltd. and 5.7% goes to Greenlam Industries Ltd. The holding value of these 3 stocks alone sums up to Rs. 274.4 Cr.