As we point fingers at other nations and call them sedentary while Australians are now sitting 8-10 hours a day. That is considered extremely sedentary and the list of possible resulting medical issues are heart disease, diabetes, and cancers.
Did that get your attention? We evolved to be upright bipedal beings and the motion of walking/running is fundamental to body systems functioning properly. Get up and move. The minimum recommended physical activity is 10,000 steps a day.
Lack of physical exertion is proven to cause mental health disorders in unborn babies to elderly family members. Ok, 10,000 steps for nan may be a bit excessive, but you get my point. Dementia symptoms increase with lack of movement. Add that to something mostly preventable with regular physical exercise.
If you drive a truck or a desk for your career, find an ergonomic chair for less pain and better performance. As a driver, the Ministry of Infrastructure sets a maximum of 6 hours without a break. Police, pilots, security, and emergency responders spend long hours seated.
Get up and move frequently. Divide 150 minutes of intense to moderate physical exertion into your week. That is not asking a lot. Our bodies respond to regularly scheduled activities. Going to bed, showering, eating, waking, and exercising all form our circadian rhythm. There are many benefits of a balanced rhythm.
Proper digestion, immune function, coordination, mental cognition, weight control, and cardiovascular health are benefits linked by studies to a healthy circadian rhythm. Reducing abrupt changes to your schedule over weekends and holidays smooths out those rough feelings of getting back to work.
My circadian rhythm may maybe too robust. I find it hard to resist the time my days end or start. I have awoken without the use of an alarm for 10 years. I am never late for work. I wake rested and alert. My days end quickly. When I put my head down, I am out in minutes. I owe this to my steady internal clock or circadian rhythm.
It could disturb you to find out that if you sit more than 7 hours a day, you negate 2-3 hours at the gym. Boom! One day of laziness and 2 days of exercise are wiped out. After 40 we also lose 2% of muscle density per year. We need more movement as we get older and those who do not are those who suffer most.
Prevention is easier than cleaning up most messes. On your scheduled 15-minute break use only 5 minutes to run through some exercises to hit areas of your concern and reward yourself with health and your family with your love for more years.
I don’t mean to start a barney but your family needs you. Do you like your friends? They are good partners to keep you motivated. Make a commitment to someone else for your physical improvement. Be sure they know to hold you responsible and be responsible in supporting you.
Live long and prosper.