Pat Dorsey is the founding member of Dorsey Asset Management, an equity strategy company that enables its clients to have their businesses increase their compound shareholder value to more than average rates.
Pat Dorsey with his years in buying businesses and seeking value from potential investors has made his fortunes. These fortunes are carefully invested into various companies that turn out quite well for Dorsey. Here’s a table that showcases all of Pat Dorsey’s holdings.
Portfolio Period: Q3 – 13F Filing of 2023
Pat Dorsey Portfolio Value: $829.49 Million
Pat Dorsey’s Stock Holdings Portfolio
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Pat Dorsey’s 13F filing
Pat Dorsey’s portfolio shows his lack of interest in everything other than technological and IT companies. The biggest share of his go-to Facebook Inc, which holds 22.99% of the portfolio. Other than Facebook, we see his holdings in Smartsheet, Wix, eBay, PayPal, Upwork, and Google.
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All of these holdings that been very important in making Pat Dorsey his millions. Since this is the Q1 we’re covering, we can safely presume that these holdings would continue to be as profitable.