Based in India, Porinju Veliyath is primarily an investor and fund manager. He owns and runs a fund management firm called Equity Intelligence India Private Limited where he handles and administers his portfolio and the portfolios of his firm’s investors. Most recently, the Economic Times has dubbed him as a small-cap czar for his company’s excellent market capitalization.
Portfolio Period: Q3 – 13F Filing of 2023
Porinju Veliyath Portfolio Value: Rs. 147.90 Cr.
Porinju Veliyath Stock Holdings Portfolio
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Porinju Veliyath’s 13F filing:
From Porinju Veliyath’s holdings, it is apparent that he has shares in over a range of different industries but as of March 2023, the biggest percentage of shares goes to Orient Bell Ltd., operating in the diversified consumer services sector, with 4.8%. Followed by Ashok Alco-Chem with 3.9% in the chemicals and petrochemicals market The Celebrity Portal.